February 1, 2011

Red is the Rose...

I've realized that I love anything with roses. You probably have noticed I draw roses on many of my works or cut them from scrapbooking papers. They are all over the place. ^^ I have no idea when this obsession started, but I suppose it has something to do with my tastes in anime and comics.

This is a half-done illustration of the Outer Senshi from Sailormoon (fear my fangirl pheromones!). It's taking forever to complete, but at least it looks good so far. Note: roses again! I personally like Saturn here.

I also like roses on accessories, homeware, fabrics... Here's my favourite rose-shaped earrings and tea cups. The golden roses were bought from a cute jewelry store at the bottom floor of Machida Twins East in Machida, Tokyo, the silver ones from a fashion event in Helsinki. Tea cups and plates found just today from Tarjoustalo. <3 Unsurprisingly, my childhood dream was to live in a small wooden house with a rose garden with someone I love. I also wanted to be a princess, but that's a different story.


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