December 21, 2010


Lately I've been getting into this superhero thing a bit more. I have friends who love superhero stuff (comics, movies, tv-series and whatever they have these days) but I've never really been into that genre. All those ludicruous muscles, silly spandex costumes and super powers and saving the world from evil supervillains just doesn't get me. I did like that old Spiderman animation as a kid, though.

Somehow I've still managed to get into this hero thing lately, maybe thanks to my friends' hyping or the fact I've stumbled upon some wonderful, wonderful artists on deviantART. Then I got inspired and drew an OC of mine whose story is more or less a goofy superhero cliché parody anyway, so the role fits her. The finished and inked lines are on the right. -->

I'll admit that she was hard to draw as she needed to have some muscles and not be that cute and round-shaped like my girls usually. It's a nice break from my usual stuff if nothing else (and I'm super hyped up about colouring this, I can't wait to get my paints and get ready to rock). I really needed a break from all those Alice-verse illustrations...

I want to do more dynamic heroines now~ Maybe some Final Fantasy heroines (I know my little brother would approve of this) and the girls from Sailormoon are more my kind of thing if we're talking about heroes. <3 I really want to try drawing some supervillains too! (Well, namely Galaxia...)

And then on the left an older Copic sketch of another heroine. She was just a random character I drew to practice this kind of pose, but my idea was to draw something like an electric fairy or elf warrior. As I said, it's an old sketch so I don't remember clearly. Still, I though the illustration was too nice to waste so I wanted to share it with you gys here.

Who knows, maybe I'll re-draw this on watercolour paper someday and make a full illustration of it now that I found my very favourite watercolour pad again (the one I drew that red Alice/Hatter picture on? I thought I had used all the paper already but then I found some more upon cleaning my room).


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