January 24, 2011

Invitation card

A small card design I thought would look nifty as an invitation card or something. This was a quick cut-and-paste job again, Mad Hatter drawn on a separate piece of paper and glued to the background. The decorations and text were done with stamps. <3

Yep, still no big, exciting works to post. I'm beat. I finished writing my Thesis last night, but there's still stuff to take care off until it can be officially printed out and graded (I'm really hoping it'll be a good grade, 'cause worked really hard on that thing!). And after that, there's still the other half of the graduation project to do - an entire collection to prepare for our school's fashion show. @,@;;

Ah well, enjoy my sexy Maddy while I exhaust myself with school again. She... rather looks like a female pimp when dressed like this, doesn't she? -shot-


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