January 13, 2011

Fish lady

I stepped out of my comfort zone for once. I've recently had this growing interest towards the horror genre (specifically video games) for some reason, and when a friend of mine started drawing all these weird fish one night I wanted to try them, too. And thus this monster-fish lady was born. I do have this strange liking for creepy monster hands and monstrous-yet-strangely-alluring characters. -shifty eyes- Maybe I could use her in one of my planned-out horror stories... Coming up with plausible monsters is kinda challenging.

I pencilled and shaded her on A4 copy paper with a mechanical pencil and a normal writing pencil (probably HB, but didn't check). The background was painted with ocean blue ink on watercolour paper. The two were then simply put together in Photoshop.

Sorry if I'm updating rather idly this month, I'm practically approaching the finish line of a figurative marathon called a Bachelor's Thesis and I'm trying to aim high. x___x;;

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